最好用的mac虚拟机Parallels Desktop v18.1.0.53311 for macOS中文商业版

最好用的mac虚拟机Parallels Desktop v18.1.0.53311 for macOS中文商业版

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Parallels Desktop 12 Mac版是Mac平台上一款非常经典的Mac虚拟机软件,Parallels Desktop可以在你的Mac电脑上安装一个windows系统,让你在体验Mac系统独有的稳定性以及便捷的同时,还能使用Windows系统独有的软件游戏等等。Parallels Desktop 12 for mac该版本主要增加了对新操作系统macOS Sierra以及windows 10 的支持,大幅度提高了Windows虚拟系统应用和常见操作的运行效率,对于《守望先锋》等流行游戏进行了专项优化。

Parallels Desktop 12 Mac版是一款专门使用在Mac系统中的虚拟机软件,它可以帮助我们实现Mac与Windows两大操作系统同时使用,实现多种操作系统在Mac上安装,完全支持macOS 10.12 (Sierra)系统,可以实现Windows10系统在Mac上运行。其中PD12的Parallels Toolbox工具箱聚集20种小工具,让操作设置更加方便。
Parallels还发布了一款新的独立应用——Parallel Toolbox,为各类常用动作(如截屏、录音、压缩文件等)提供了一个快捷的弹出式工具集,大幅提升了便利性。


针对MacOS 和Windows的更新而优化。
适用于 OS X、Windows 10、8.1 和 7、Linux 和 Unix,以及 macOS Server。不再需要在 PC 或 Mac 之间进行选择。
3、Touch Bar
将 Windows 应用程序添加到 Touch Bar™ 用于即时访问和自定义。
USB、USB-C、Thunderbolt 和 FireWire 设备与 Windows 连接。配对 Bluetooth® 设备(包括触笔和打印机),以同时用于 Windows 和 macOS。
5、支持 Retina® 显示屏
选择生产力、游戏、设计、软件测试或开发后,Parallels Desktop中文版 将为您优化虚拟机设置和性能。
直接从 Mac Dock 启动并访问 Windows 应用程序。
通过自动优化磁盘空间,充分利用 Mac。
9、Office 365 集成
支持 Safari 中的 Word、Excel 或 PowerPoint 文档在其各自的本机 Windows Office 应用程序中打开。
10、使用 Boot Camp
重复使用您现有的 Boot Camp 安装。从 Boot Camp 转换虚拟机很简单,只需在启动时按照我们的安装助手操作即可。
Parallels Desktop Business Edition中文版下载,中提供统一批量许可证密钥、集中化许可证管理和高级安全功能。
Parallels® Toolbox
附带了超过 30 种一键式工具,无论是清理驱动器、抓取屏幕截图还是下载视频等,只需点击一下即可轻松搞定。
使用 Parallels Access® 从任何 iOS 设备、Android 设备或浏览器远程访问 Mac

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Parallels Desktop Business Edition v18.1.0.53311 Multilingual macOS

Parallels Desktop is one of the oldest and most popular applications for virtualization on macOS. There are quite a few options out there for Mac users who want to run other operating systems on their Apple devices, but none are quite as intuitive and novice-friendly as Parallels.

This app allows you to Run Windows, various flavors of Linux, ChromeOS, Android, and many other operating systems in virtual machines, and it makes setting up and configuring these VMs incredibly straightforward. Much of the process is automated, and the virtualized OSes integrate well with macOS.

Anyone can start up a virtual machine with Parallels
It really is that simple. Compared to alternatives like VirtualBox or VMware, it is much easier to create a virtual machine and install an OS. For instance, if you want a Windows 10 VM, the startup wizard guides you through the entire process. It only takes a few clicks and absolutely no technical knowledge.

If you skip the initial Win10 wizard, Parallels still has an installation assistant that can help you set up Windows, Linux, and many other operating systems. The Windows 10 Test and Development environments are available for free, as are numerous Linux flavors and Android, and you can even install macOS from the recovery partition or convert a Boot Camp installation to a VM.

Excellent integration with macOS
Aside from installing Windows via Boot Camp, which isn’t likely to be supported on Apple Silicon, Parallels offers possibly the most seamless experience when running another operating system on your Mac.

MacBook Pro users can add Windows apps to the Touch Bar, Office integration lets documents in Safari open in their native Windows apps, and full support is available for Retina displays for the best visual experience.

Sharing files between your Mac and Windows VM could not be easier, as files on the desktop are instantly accessible from either OS, no matter where they were created.

If you want to take things one step further, just enable Coherence Mode. Once it is active, all applications in your Windows VM will appear in separate windows directly on your Mac’s desktop, almost as if they were running natively on macOS.

Not just for beginners
Of course, Parallels Desktop is available in multiple editions, with the Pro and Business variants geared towards professionals and enterprises respectively. While the Standard edition includes most features, it limits the amount of RAM and virtual CPUs you can use for each VM and lacks some advanced deployment and management tools.

These include integration with Docker, Vagrant, and Microsoft Visual Studio, among others, VM transferring and deployment capabilities, debugging tools, and centralized administration and management.

Probably the best virtualization application for macOS
Whether you’re just starting out or you have a lot of experience with running VMs, nothing can beat the streamlined experience you get with Parallels, and it doesn’t lose out to its competitors when it comes to the number of available features either.

With Boot Camp seemingly doomed on Apple Silicon, Parallels will likely be one of the few virtualization options available for M1 Mac users.

Compatibility: macOS 10.14.6 or later
Homepage https://www.parallels.com/





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